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Driving Operational Efficiency & Growth with an Integrated CLM Ecosystem

Discover how to drive efficiencies with an API-first, cloud-based approach to CLM.

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Corporate and institutional banks are facing pressure to optimize compliance and onboarding processes amidst tightening budgets and complex regulations. With research indicating that the average time and cost of completing a Know Your Customer (KYC) review has increased significantly, banks are now challenged with improving the efficiencies of client lifecycle management (CLM) processes.

The following whitepaper will explore:

  • The concerns among IT leaders including total cost of ownership, security and scalability.
  • The benefits of an Application Programming Interface (API)-first CLM deployment for driving efficiencies in CLM processes.
  • How an API-first approach can facilitate real-time data access and continuous risk monitoring to ensure compliance with KYC regulations worldwide.
  • A case study will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of adopting a cloud-based solution.