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Data Trust and Security at Fenergo

Fenergo’s technologies, business processes and security culture across both its production and corporate facilities.

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Fenergo’s Global Enterprise Trust and Security program is led by a dedicated team which reports directly into the firm’s founding members, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Niall Twomey, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Marc Murphy.

The program scope covers Fenergo’s technologies, business processes and security culture across the global operating environments of both its production and corporate facilities.

The Trust and Security function consists of dedicated teams carrying out focused risk assessments throughout Fenergo’s technology and data management lifecycle. The scope of these risk assessments includes our service partners, suppliers and vendors.

Fenergo’s Security Architect and Engineers design the security controls in both the product and corporate service offerings. The team has an independent mandate to test technologies and provide Trust Assurance that threat vectors and their associated vulnerabilities have appropriate controls applied to reduce the number of confidentiality, integrity, availability, and privacy risks to an acceptable business operating level.